The Simulacrum System (DOI: 10.1007/s11745-015-4101-1) was discovered from the Bottom Up Solution (BUS) (DOI: 10.1007/s11745-006-1398-9).
The application, the BUS, came first. It was generalized, and generalized again, and again, to The Simulacrum System. The Simulacrum System is so general it applies to everything with a written name, number, or symbol. A Simulacrum Sum is the sum of any two written values, expressed as a value and a ratio of the values. The meanings of the values and their relationship in the ratios are all defined in the Interpretation Matrix. The Interpretation Matrix ties thought to symbols, showing that the Simulacrum System is based on consciousness.
Critical Ratios of fragments in mass spectra of fats and oils (triacylglycerols, TAGs) provide information about the structures of the fats and how they're digested. Solutions were solved up to three levels deep, nested into each other.
In the Updated BUS, the common pattern behind the three-level-deep nested paired sets of solutions was integrated into the BUS.
The UBUS applied to ESI-MS was the ignored half of the BUS, the unseen, unconstructed, while the UBUS for APPI-MS was the same as UBUS for APCI-MS.
These two solutions showed solutions using opposite Cases.
The Simulacrum System is the final generalization to all values, numbers, letters, text, names, symbols or other written representations.
Examining the Unit and Pi in The Pi Unit Simulacrum
leads to The Pi Paradox.
Solving The Pi Paradox leads to Whole PI.
Whole PI leads to New Equations for Dimensions.
It all starts with considering the nature of the Unit in The Unit SImulacrum
See the World in a New Way!
Thes are currently the only extant recordings of Dr. Byrdwell giving his seminar on The Bottom Up Solution, The Simulacrum System, and how those led to the Fibonacci Series, the Phi Ratio, pi, The Pi Paradox, Whole PI, the Byrdwell Model for Dimensions, and the Dimension Model of Mass.
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